2D Spine Animator

DiJust,Opublikowany 1 miesiąc temu


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Na jakie zadania (obowiązki)?

- Create high-quality 2D character animations using Spine software;
- Collaborate with game designers and artists to ensure animations align with game mechanics and art style;
- Work with programming team to implement animations into the game engine;
- Review and refine animations based on feedback from team members;
- Troubleshoot animation-related issues as needed

Jakiego specjalisty szukamy?

- Proficient in Spine software and have experience in creating 2D character animations;
- Strong understanding of animation principles such as timing, spacing, and anticipation;
- Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment;
- Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail;
- Excellent communication skills;
- Experience with Unity game engine is a plus;
- If you are passionate about creating high-quality 2D character animations and thrive in a team environment, we encourage you to apply. Please provide your resume, portfolio, and a brief introduction to yourself.

Dlaczego u nas przyjemno pracować ?

- Work on a major successful product in a stable company with a 10-year history with a team of pros;
- Work in a highly competitive industry, which means that your decisions must be efficient, creative and fast;
- Lack of bureaucracy, efficient organization of the work process and easy decision making;
- Convenient office location in the city center (metro station Lybidskaya).

Jakie warunki i bonusy?

- Paid vacation and sick leave;
- Medical insurance;
- Payment for visits to the gym or sports section.


Rodzaj firmy: outsource

Pracownicy: 201-500

Platformy : Browser


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